Chevening (St Botolph’s) CE VA Primary School “Couldn’t ask for more!” A CHEVENING PARENT
The Chevening School family offers a warm and nurturing welcome to all. Our high expectations and considered approaches ensure our children are happy and learn well, reaching their potential and enjoying success in all areas of school life. As a smaller school, our children benefit from the nurturing, family-welcome, infectious love of learning and enrichment activities and opportunities. We are proud to see our children succeed, which further inspires and motivates us. you could wish for your children to be educated in. nurturing environment The most A CHEVENING DAD and achieves much more than you’d expect for a little school. A CHEVENING MUM Kind and friendly WELCOME
Our Vision for Excellence is based on The Parable of The Mustard Seed: inclusive To be in serving, sharing and showing God’s love to benefit all. kind To be known for and thoughtful actions and attitudes true To be to Christ and His teachings BIBLICAL VI SION unity and faith.” inspiring teaching, “Strong leadership,
LEARNING A caring, values-led school which fosters a sense of wellbeing, confidence, curiosity and love of learning in its pupils. enjoy challenge, taking risks and stretching themselves embrace creativity and strengthen physical abilities deepen their personal, social and moral values and their understanding of the Christian faith are intrigued by the physical and human world around them, respecting diversity mature in self-confidence are kind At Chevening, children:
Carroty Wood climbing activities Skilful and adaptive teaching and learning provides fresh inspiration and opportunity for children of all talents and abilities. Learning includes a variety of subjects and themes, enhanced by in-school visitors and workshops, out-of-school visits, residentials and enterprise approaches. We are proud of our children’s learning and academic achievements, which can be found on the school website. Personal development is a priority; School Council roles and decisionmaking responsibilities, courageous advocacy initiatives for local, national and international groups, sports leader training, running clubs and becoming a Chevening Buddy are key development opportunities. DEVELOPMENT A night aboard the Golden Hinde
Chevening’s Christian values are at the heart of school life. Character development is crucial for individual success, great cooperation and for society. Our values are recognised and celebrated in curriculum learning and wider opportunities. between teachers and pupils. respect A striking difference from other schools is the friendly atmosphere, CHRI STIAN VALUES CHARACTER A CHEVENING MUM
Chevening thinks about the whole child... they model a play-based, outdoor childhood and... place a big emphasis on and a child’s personal development so the child can be an asset to that community. community and extra-curricular opportunities are plentiful. shine Each child is allowed to A CHEVENING DAD
We celebrate academic progress and achievement, recognising the benefits of well-being and sport (equally important elements of our offer) with on-site lessons, clubs, teams and external competitions and activities. Talent is often ‘spotted’, with entry to district clubs; we delight in following future stars developing their confidence, talents and success. SPORT An inclusive school that promotes kindness discipline and good in everything. A CHEVENI NG MUM
All families are welcome at Chevening; booking a visit to meet and see us in action is warmly recommended, prior to application. Many Class R entrants enjoy a smooth transition from Chevening School Nursery, which shares our site and some activities; children from other settings and schools are equally welcome. Making a strong start to school is vital; transition activities are well-planned. Our values are recognised and celebrated in curriculum learning and wider opportunities. We are proud to hear the stories of Chevening alumni, who continue to demonstrate good character in their successes at Secondary School and beyond. The final year at Chevening is a launch pad to the next step of education. Support for Secondary school decisions is offered to all families. Class 6 responsibilities, roles, learning and opportunities help to prepare for a successful and exciting departure; we are proud to see our Leavers move with confidence, maturity and individual merit and success. START... ...TO FINISH Chevening School Nursery
Our strong links with parents help to secure the best opportunity and outcome for each child. Where additional support is sought, our nurturing approaches for both talents and additional needs allow all children to flourish. Parental interest and skills contribute to our provision, with opportunities in Governance, in-school volunteering, co-curriculum clubs and Chevening’s vibrant Parents Teachers and Friends Association. PARTNERSHIPS It’s a very close-knit community school with family atmosphere. The school teaches and encourages children to play and make friends with children in other age groups and of different gender, which is quite rare in other schools, so it’s CHEVENI NG ESTAT E fantastic! Chevening’s Christian character and community focus are strengthened through the involvement with St Botolph’s Church and other local congregations; helping our children understand their roles and responsibilities beyond the school. Historic links with Chevening Estate provide a sense of local influence and impact in the nation’s story. A CHEVENING DAD
A Church of England School, linked to St Botolph’s Church, with strong Christian Vision and Values, including daily worship and termly services where parents can join us. 2 PTFA-funded minibuses for class excursions and sports activities. A quiet location, with sports field, astroturf, playground, gardens, swimming pool, forest school, library, IT suite, Music Room and Nurture space. Chevening children enjoy further success at faith, grammar, independent and local community schools. 7 classes; 1 class for each year group, 30 places in each class. Four Houses: Churchill, Sackville, Stanhope and Wolfe promoting individual and collective conduct and encouraging healthy competition. Wrap-around Care available 7.45-8.45am Mon-Fri and 3.20-6pm Mon-Thu. CHEVENING AT A GLANCE
We hope this glimpse into Chevening School life whets your appetite to find out more! We welcome visits, so that interested families can see the school in action. Please contact the School Office on 01732 452895 or to book your visit. Music and the performing arts are important to us, with opportunities for for individuals, groups and our whole-school family. creative expression
Chevening (St Botolph’s) CE VA Primary School CHEVENING ROAD, CHIPSTEAD, SEVENOAKS, KENT TN13 2SA 01732 452895 cheveninght @CeChevening